Dieses Projekt zeigt den Umzug eine bbPress Forums nach Flarum. Flarum ist ein modernes, auf PHP und Javascript basierendes Forum und in der User-Experience ähnlich wie Discourse, jedoch wesentlich einfacher zu installieren und zu Warten.
Kann man vom bbPress zu Flarum wechseln?
Ja, aber nur über einen Umweg: Es gibt keinen direkten Konverter um ein bbPress-Forum in Flarum zu importieren. Daher wählen wir einen Migrationspfad über wpForo:
wpForo liefert mit Go2wpForo ein exzellentes Konverter-Plugin das bbPress-Daten direkt importieren kann. Für diesen Zweck wurde eine separate WordPress-Installation samt wpForo aufgesetzt und die bbPress-Daten über Go2wpForo importiert. Danach können wir die Daten von wpForo nach Flarum importieren. Hierzu kommt das folgende PHP Konverter-Script zum Einsatz:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 |
<?php // Original script for PHPBB by robrotheram from discuss.flarum.org // Modified by VIRUXE // Modified by Reflic // Modified by TidbitSoftware // Modified by hrvoje_hr for wpForo WordPress forum software // Modified by hschneider // set_time_limit(0); ini_set('memory_limit', -1); ini_set("log_errors", 1); ini_set("error_log", "php-error.log"); // Setup.start // $servername = "flarum-servername"; $importDBName = "flarum-database-name"; // Fill Flarum database name $importDBPrefix = ""; // Fill table prefix for Fkarzn including "_" if used. Leave blank if you did not supply a table prefix when setting up Flarum. $username = "flarum-database-user"; // Fill database username $password = "flarum-database-password"; // Fill database password $exportDBName = "wpforo-database-name"; // Fill Wordpress database name $exportDBUsr = "wpforo-database-user"; $exportDBPwd = 'wpforo-database-password'; $exportDBPrefix = "wp_"; // Fill table prefix for Wordpress including "_" if used // // Setup.end // Establish a connection to the server where the Wordpress database exists print($servername.'<br>'.$exportDBUsr.'<br>'.$exportDBPwd.'<br>'.$exportDBName); $exportDbConnection = new mysqli($servername, $exportDBUsr, $exportDBPwd, $exportDBName); // Check connection if ($exportDbConnection->connect_error) die("Export - Connection failed: " . $exportDbConnection->connect_error); else { echo "Export - Connected successfully<br>\n"; if(!$exportDbConnection->set_charset("utf8")) { printf("Error loading character set utf8: %s\n", $exportDbConnection->error); exit(); } else printf("Current character set: %s\n", $exportDbConnection->character_set_name()); } // Establish a connection to the server where the Flarum database exists $importDbConnection = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $importDBName); // Check connection if ($importDbConnection->connect_error) die("Import - Connection failed: " . $importDbConnection->connect_error); else { echo "Import - Connected successfully<br>\n"; if(!$importDbConnection->set_charset("utf8")) { printf("Error loading character set utf8: %s\n", $importDbConnection->error); exit(); } else printf("Current character set: %s\n", $importDbConnection->character_set_name()); } //Disable foreing keys check $importDbConnection->query("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0"); //Convert Users echo "<hr>Step 1 - Users<hr>"; $result = $exportDbConnection->query("SELECT ID, user_registered, user_nicename, user_email FROM ${exportDBPrefix}users"); $totalUsers = $result->num_rows; if ($totalUsers) { $i = 0; $usersIgnored = 0; while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $i++; if($row["user_email"] != NULL) { $username = $row["user_nicename"]; $usernameHasSpace = strpos($username, " "); if($usernameHasSpace > 0) { $formatedUsername = str_replace(" ", NULL, $username); } else{ $formatedUsername = $username; } $id = $row['ID']; $email = $row['user_email']; $password = sha1(md5(time())); $jointime = $row['user_registered']; $query = "INSERT INTO " . $importDBPrefix . "users (id, username, email, password, joined_at, is_email_confirmed) VALUES ( '$id', '$formatedUsername', '$email', '$password', '$jointime', 1)"; $res = $importDbConnection->query($query); if($res === false) { echo "Wrong SQL: " . $query . " Error: " . $importDbConnection->error . " <br/>\n"; } } else { $usersIgnored++; } } echo $i-$usersIgnored . ' out of '. $totalUsers .' Total Users converted'; } else echo "Something went wrong."; //Convert Categories to Tags echo "<hr>Step 2 - Categories<hr>"; $result = $exportDbConnection->query("SELECT forumid, title, description FROM ${exportDBPrefix}wpforo_forums"); $totalCategories = $result->num_rows; if ($totalCategories) { $i = 1; while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $id = $row["forumid"]; $name = mysql_escape_mimic($row["title"]); $description = mysql_escape_mimic(strip_tags(stripBBCode($row["description"]))); $color = rand_color(); $position = $i; $slug = mysql_escape_mimic(slugify($row["title"])); $query = "INSERT INTO " . $importDBPrefix . "tags (id, name, description, slug, color, position) VALUES ( '$id', '$name', '$description', '$slug', '$color', '$position')"; $res = $importDbConnection->query($query); if($res === false) { echo "Wrong SQL Assumption id Confict now trying a update <br/>\n"; $queryupdate = "UPDATE " . $importDBPrefix . "tags SET name = '$name', description = '$description', slug = '$slug' WHERE id = '$id' ;"; $res = $importDbConnection->query($queryupdate); if($res === false) { echo "Wrong SQL: " . $query . " Error: " . $importDbConnection->error . " <br/>\n"; } } $i++; } echo $totalCategories . ' Categories converted.'; } else echo "Something went wrong."; echo "<hr>Step 3 - Topics<hr>"; $topicsQuery = $exportDbConnection->query("SELECT topicid, userid, forumid, title, created FROM ${exportDBPrefix}wpforo_topics ORDER BY topicid DESC;"); $topicCount = $topicsQuery->num_rows; if($topicCount) { $curTopicCount = 0; $insertString = "INSERT INTO " . $importDBPrefix . "posts (id, user_id, discussion_id, created_at, type, content) VALUES \n"; // Loop trough all wpForo topics $topictotal = $topicsQuery->num_rows; $i = 1; while($topic = $topicsQuery->fetch_assoc()) { // Convert posts per topic $participantsArr = []; $lastPosterID = 0; $sqlQuery = sprintf("SELECT * FROM ${exportDBPrefix}wpforo_posts WHERE topicid = %d;", $topic["topicid"]); $postsQuery = $exportDbConnection->query($sqlQuery); $postCount = $postsQuery->num_rows; if($postCount) { $curPost = 0; //fwrite($sqlScript_posts, $insertString); while($post = $postsQuery->fetch_assoc()) { $curPost++; $posterID = $post['userid']; $postDate = $post["created"]; $forumid = $topic["forumid"]; $postText = formatText($exportDbConnection, $post['body']); if($post['postid'] == 913){echo $postText;} if(empty($post['name']))// If the name field has text it means it's a "ghost" post. Therefore we should set the poster id to 0 so Flarum knows it's an invalid user { $posterID = $post['userid']; // Add to the array only if unique if(!in_array($posterID, $participantsArr)) $participantsArr[] = $posterID; } if($curPost == $postCount)// Check if it's the last post in the discussion and save the poster id $lastPosterID = $posterID; // Write post values to SQL Script //fwrite($sqlScript_posts, sprintf("\t(%d, %d, %d, '%s', 'comment', '%s')%s\n", $post['postid'], $posterID, $topic['topicid'], $postDate, $postText, $curPost != $postCount ? "," : ";")); // Execute the insert query in the desired database. $formattedValuesStr = sprintf("(%d, %d, %d, '%s', 'comment', '%s');", $post['postid'], $posterID, $topic['topicid'], $postDate, $postText); $query = $insertString . $formattedValuesStr; $res = $importDbConnection->query($query); if($res === false) { echo "Wrong SQL: " . $query . " Error: " . $importDbConnection->error . " <br/>\n"; } } } //else // echo "<br>\nTopic ". $topic['topicid'] ." has zero posts.<br>\n"; // Convert topic to Flarum format // // This needs to be done at the end because we need to get the post count first // $discussionDate = $topic["created"]; $topicTitle = $exportDbConnection->real_escape_string($topic["title"]); // Link Discussion/Topic to a Tag/Category $topicid = $topic["topicid"]; $forumid = $topic["forumid"]; $query = "INSERT INTO " . $importDBPrefix . "discussion_tag (discussion_id, tag_id) VALUES( '$topicid', '$forumid')"; $res = $importDbConnection->query($query); if($res === false) { echo "Wrong SQL: " . $query . " Error: " . $importDbConnection->error . " <br/>\n"; } // Check for parent forums $parentForum = $exportDbConnection->query("SELECT parentid FROM ${exportDBPrefix}wpforo_forums WHERE forumid = " . $topic["forumid"]); $result = $parentForum->fetch_assoc(); if($result['parentid'] > 0){ $topicid = $topic["topicid"]; $parentid = $result['parentid']; $query = "INSERT INTO " . $importDBPrefix . "discussion_tag (discussion_id, tag_id) VALUES( '$topicid', '$parentid')"; $res = $importDbConnection->query($query); if($res === false) { echo "Wrong SQL: " . $query . " Error: " . $importDbConnection->error . " <br/>\n"; } } if($lastPosterID == 0)// Just to make sure it displays an actual username if the topic doesn't have posts? Not sure about this. $lastPosterID = $topic["userid"]; $slug = mysql_escape_mimic(slugify($topicTitle)); $count = count($participantsArr); $poster = $topic["userid"]; $query = "INSERT INTO " . $importDBPrefix . "discussions (id, title, slug, created_at, comment_count, participant_count, first_post_id, last_post_id, user_id, last_posted_user_id, last_posted_at) VALUES( '$topicid', '$topicTitle', '$slug', '$discussionDate', '$postCount', '$count', 1, 1, '$poster', '$lastPosterID', '$discussionDate')"; $res = $importDbConnection->query($query); if($res === false) { echo "Wrong SQL: " . $query . " Error: " . $importDbConnection->error . " <br/>\n"; } $i++; } } // Convert user posted topics to user discussions? echo "<hr> User Discussions<hr/>"; $result = $exportDbConnection->query("SELECT userid, topicid FROM ${exportDBPrefix}wpforo_topics"); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { $total = $result->num_rows; $i = 1; while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $comma = $i == $total ? ";" : ","; $userID = $row["userid"]; $topicID = $row["topicid"]; $query = "INSERT INTO " . $importDBPrefix . "discussion_user (user_id, discussion_id) VALUES ( '$userID', '$topicID')"; $res = $importDbConnection->query($query); if($res === false) { echo "Wrong SQL: " . $query . " Error: " . $importDbConnection->error . " <br/>\n"; } $i++; } echo "Success"; } else echo "Table is empty"; // Convert user posted topics to user discussions? echo "<hr>last Step Update User table<hr/>"; $result = $importDbConnection->query("SELECT id FROM users"); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { $total = $result->num_rows; $i = 1; while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $comma = $i == $total ? ";" : ","; $userID = $row["id"]; $res = $importDbConnection->query("select * from discussion_user where user_id = '$userID' "); $numTopics = $res->num_rows; $res1 = $importDbConnection->query("select * from posts where user_id = '$userID' "); $numPosts = $res1->num_rows; $query = "UPDATE " . $importDBPrefix . "users SET discussions_count = '$numTopics', comment_count = '$numPosts' WHERE id = '$userID' "; $res = $importDbConnection->query($query); if($res === false) { echo "Wrong SQL: " . $query . " Error: " . $importDbConnection->error . " <br/>\n"; } } echo "Success"; } else echo "Table is empty"; // Close connection to the database $exportDbConnection->close(); $importDbConnection->close(); // Functions function print_r2($val) { echo '<pre>'; print_r($val); echo '</pre>'; } function slugify($text) { $text = preg_replace('~[^\\pL\d]+~u', '-', $text); $text = trim($text, '-'); $text = iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $text); $text = strtolower($text); $text = preg_replace('~[^-\w]+~', '', $text); if (empty($text)) return 'n-a'; return $text; } function rand_color() { return '#' . str_pad(dechex(mt_rand(0, 0xFFFFFF)), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } function mysql_escape_mimic($inp) { if(is_array($inp)) return array_map(__METHOD__, $inp); if(!empty($inp) && is_string($inp)) { return str_replace(array('\\', "\0", "\n", "\r", "'", '"', "\x1a"), array('\\\\', '\\0', '\\n', '\\r', "\\'", '\\"', '\\Z'), $inp); } return $inp; } // Formats wpForo text to Flarum's text format function formatText($connection, $text) { $text = preg_replace('#\:\w+#', '', $text); $text = convertBBCodeToHTML($text); $text = str_replace(""","\"",$text); $text = preg_replace('|[[\/\!]*?[^\[\]]*?]|si', '', $text); $text = trimSmilies($text); // Wrap text lines with paragraph tags $explodedText = explode("\n", $text); foreach ($explodedText as $key => $value) { if(strlen($value) > 1)// Only wrap in a paragraph tag if the line has actual text $explodedText[$key] = '<p>' . $value . '</p>'; } $text = implode("\n", $explodedText); $wrapTag = strpos($text, '>') > 0 ? "r" : "t";// Posts with quotes need to be 'richtext' $text = sprintf('<%s>%s</%s>', $wrapTag, $text, $wrapTag); return $connection->real_escape_string($text); } // Used to convert Categories to Tags function stripBBCode($text_to_search) { $pattern = '|[[\/\!]*?[^\[\]]*?]|si'; $replace = ''; return preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text_to_search); } function convertBBCodeToHTML($bbcode) { $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[b](.+)\[\/b]#', "<b>$1</b>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[i](.+)\[\/i]#', "<i>$1</i>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[u](.+)\[\/u]#', "<u>$1</u>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[img](.+?)\[\/img]#is', "<img src='$1'\>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[quote=(.+?)](.+?)\[\/quote]#is', "<QUOTE><i>></i>$2</QUOTE>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[code:\w+](.+?)\[\/code:\w+]#is', "<CODE class='hljs'>$1<CODE>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[pre](.+?)\[\/pre]#is', "<code>$1<code>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[u](.+)\[\/u]#', "<u>$1</u>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[\*](.+?)\[\/\*]#is', "<li>$1</li>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[color=\#\w+](.+?)\[\/color]#is', "$1", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[url=(.+?)](.+?)\[\/url]#is', "<a href='$1'>$2</a>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[url](.+?)\[\/url]#is', "<a href='$1'>$1</a>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[list](.+?)\[\/list]#is', "<ul>$1</ul>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[size=200](.+?)\[\/size]#is', "<h1>$1</h1>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[size=170](.+?)\[\/size]#is', "<h2>$1</h2>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[size=150](.+?)\[\/size]#is', "<h3>$1</h3>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[size=120](.+?)\[\/size]#is', "<h4>$1</h4>", $bbcode); $bbcode = preg_replace('#\[size=85](.+?)\[\/size]#is', "<h5>$1</h5>", $bbcode); return $bbcode; } function trimSmilies($postText) { $startStr = "<!--"; $endStr = 'alt="'; $startStr1 = '" title'; $endStr1 = " -->"; $emoticonsCount = substr_count($postText, '<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}'); for ($i=0; $i < $emoticonsCount; $i++) { $startPos = strpos($postText, $startStr); $endPos = strpos($postText, $endStr); $postText = substr_replace($postText, NULL, $startPos, $endPos-$startPos+strlen($endStr)); $startPos1 = strpos($postText, $startStr1); $endPos1 = strpos($postText, $endStr1); $postText = substr_replace($postText, NULL, $startPos1, $endPos1-$startPos1+strlen($endStr1)); } return $postText; } ?> |
Migration von bbPress zu Flarum: Nacharbeiten
Nach Import der Daten in Flarum müssen noch 2 Probleme beseitigt werden:
- Es gibt HTML-Artifakte in Forum Headlines und den Beitrags-Inhalten. Bei diesem Projekt stammten die HTML-Codes noch teilweise aus einer alten Konvertierung nach bbPress.
- Das Nickname Modul für Flarum erzeugt nicht selbsttätig Nicknames für importierte User. Flarum zeigt unter bestimmten Umständen die Emailadresse bei fehlendem Nickname an, was es zu vermeiden gilt.
Flarum: Filtern von HTML-Codes aus Headlines und Beiträgen
Das folgende Python-Script filtert die HTML-Artifakte in den Headlines direkt aus der Flarum-Datenbank:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 |
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #!/usr/bin/python # # flarum-flarum-fix-titles.py 1.0.1 # # Fixes HTML entities in discussion titles. # # Dependencies: # pip install pymysql # # (c)2021 Harald Schneider # # Ensure default encoding is UTF8 # import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') import pymysql.cursors import re PRODUCTION = False dbHost = 'xxxxxxxx' dbUsr = 'xxxxxxxx' dbPwd = 'xxxxxxxx' dbName = 'xxxxxxxx' if PRODUCTION: dbHost = 'xxxxxxxx' dbUsr = 'xxxxxxxx' dbPwd = 'xxxxxxxx' dbName = 'xxxxxxxx' def fixHtmlEntitites(s): """ Filter HTML entities from a string :param t: title :return: string """ s = s.replace('>', '>') s = s.replace('<', '<') s = s.replace('&', '-') s = s.replace('"', '') s = s.replace('ä', 'ä') s = s.replace('ö', 'ö') s = s.replace('ü', 'ü') s = s.replace('Ä', 'Ä') s = s.replace('Ö', 'Ö') s = s.replace('Ü', 'Ü') s = s.replace('ß', 'ß') s = s.replace('´', '`') s = s.replace('µ', 'µ') s = s.replace("'", '') s = re.sub('&.*?;', '', s) return s print "-- Fixing titles ..." try: db = pymysql.connect(host=dbHost, user=dbUsr, password=dbPwd, database=dbName, autocommit=True, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor, charset='utf8') except pymysql.Error as err: print("Something went wrong: {}".format(err)) exit(0) c = db.cursor() c2 = db.cursor() c.execute("select * from discussions where title like '%&%' ") rs = c.fetchall() for discussion in rs: t = fixHtmlEntitites(discussion['title']) q = r"update discussions set title = '%s' where id = %s" % (t, discussion['id']) c2.execute(q) print discussion['title'] + ' -> ' + t print "-- DONE!" |
Weiter geht es mit einem Filter für HTML-Artifakte in den Flarum-Beiträgen selbst:
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# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #!/usr/bin/python # # flarum-flarum-fix-posts.py 1.0.2 # # Filters HTML code from posts. # # Dependencies: # pip install pymysql # # (c)2021 Harald Schneider # # Ensure default encoding is UTF8 # import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') import pymysql.cursors import re PRODUCTION = False dbHost = 'xxxxxxxx' dbUsr = 'xxxxxxxx' dbPwd = 'xxxxxxxx' dbName = 'xxxxxxxx' if PRODUCTION: dbHost = 'xxxxxxxx' dbUsr = 'xxxxxxxx' dbPwd = 'xxxxxxxx' dbName = 'xxxxxxxx' def filterHtml(s): """ Filter HTML entities from a string :param t: title :return: string """ s = s.replace('>', '>') s = s.replace('<', '<') s = s.replace('&', '-') s = s.replace('"', '') s = s.replace('ä', 'ä') s = s.replace('ö', 'ö') s = s.replace('ü', 'ü') s = s.replace('Ä', 'Ä') s = s.replace('Ö', 'Ö') s = s.replace('Ü', 'Ü') s = s.replace('ß', 'ß') s = s.replace('´', '`') s = s.replace('µ', 'µ') s = s.replace('<e>','') s = s.replace('</e>','') s = s.replace('<E>','') s = s.replace('</E>','') s = s.replace("'", '') return s print "-- Fixing posts content..." try: db = pymysql.connect(host=dbHost, user=dbUsr, password=dbPwd, database=dbName, autocommit=True, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor, charset='utf8') except pymysql.Error as err: print("Something went wrong: {}".format(err)) exit(0) c = db.cursor() c2 = db.cursor() c.execute("select * from posts where content like '%&%' ") rs = c.fetchall() for post in rs: t = filterHtml(post['content']) q = r"update posts set content = '%s' where id = %s" % (t, post['id']) c2.execute(q) print post['content'] + ' -> ' + t print "-- DONE!" |
Flarum: Erzeugen fehlender Nicknames
Das folgende Python Script erzeugt die fehlenden Flarum Nicknames aus Teilen der Emailadresse und der Recordset-ID. Die User können später ihren Nickname bei Bedarf in Ihrem Profil ändern:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 |
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #!/usr/bin/python # # flarum-flarum-fix-nicknames.py 1.0.2 # # Fixes email-like nicknames. # # Dependencies: # pip install pymysql # # (c)2021 Harald Schneider # # Ensure default encoding is UTF8 # import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') import pymysql.cursors PRODUCTION = False dbHost = 'xxxxxxxx' dbUsr = 'xxxxxxxx' dbPwd = 'xxxxxxxx' dbName = 'xxxxxxxx' if PRODUCTION: dbHost = 'xxxxxxxx' dbUsr = 'xxxxxxxx' dbPwd = 'xxxxxxxx' dbName = 'xxxxxxxx' def nameFromEmail(email): """ Create username from email. :param email: email address :return: string """ return email.replace('@', '').replace('.', '-').lower() def createUsername(user): """ Create a new username from email and id. :param user: user dict :return: string """ try: userName = str(user['email']).split('.')[0] userName = userName.split('@')[0] except: userName = str(user['email']).split('@')[0] return userName + str(user['id']) print "-- Generating missing nicknames ..." try: db = pymysql.connect(host=dbHost, user=dbUsr, password=dbPwd, database=dbName, autocommit=True, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) except pymysql.Error as err: print("Something went wrong: {}".format(err)) exit(0) c = db.cursor() c2 = db.cursor() c.execute("select * from users where username like '%-%' and nickname =''") rs = c.fetchall() for user in rs: if user['username'] == nameFromEmail(user['email']): u = createUsername(user) q = r"update users set nickname = '%s' where id = %s" % (u, user['id']) c2.execute(q) print user['username'] + ' -> ' + u print "-- DONE!" |
Das ist alles – viel Spaß mit Flarum!